mentorship and rite of passage

Death and Rebirth 

I see you. You are standing at the edge of transformation. There is an ache in your body and your soul telling you it is time. You can no longer ignore the truth calling you forward. You are ready to say goodbye and surrender to the unknown.

You know

your truth.

How long have you been ignoring what is real? How long has your body been screaming at you to get out, to make the change, to close the door, and let an this old version of yourself die? 

You are here because you are finally ready to face what's real. You are here because you know there is liberation on the other side.

iv'e been where you are

Countless times.

I have died a thousand deaths.
The loss of my mother at a young age brought me to my knees. A piece of me died with her as she took her last breath. 
A baby, unexpected, and again at a young age, humbled me to my core. I lost my youth on the day he was born.
Chronic illness invited me to let go of everything I believed I was and took me down to my studs. 
Closing a business I built from scratch and disappointing thousands of women, was a death of a dream and a challenge of my truth.
Moving out of my hometown at 40 years old, letting go of a dream home, walking away from an 18 year marriage, choosing myself over all, was the most profound death I have faced yet.
And what I have learned every time I have let myself die, is that there is a rebirth, there is light, there is liberation, and a spiraling closer to my truest self on the other side.
I believe the Awakening Woman is ever-dying, ever-changing, and ever-rebirthing herself. This is the path towards wholeness and freedom.
Who are you if you are not that?

You are entering a rite of passage

A time to become who you truly are.

The highest level of practice is finding the courage to honor what is real. To say goodbye, even when it hurts, to close the door, even when there is still love, to lay down what no longer serves you and let yourself die in order to fully live. On the other side of surrender, of death, is rebirth. When we let go and step further into our truth, we are reborn into new possibility, new definitions of self, and freedom to be who we really are.

This journey helped me choose choose me over constant self-sacrifice and people-pleasing. I left my husband after years of questioning, and I feel like I finally know who I am.

—  ayshen, maternity nurse

Who are you really?

I am here as your soul midwife to hold up a sacred mirror so you can see your true self. I am here to hold your hand as you cross the bridge from an old expression of yourself to who you know you truly are. I am here to initiate you into this next phase of your life.

together we will celelbrate as you emerge into a new version of yourself.

You will find the courage to take big action and no longer ignore what is real.

This life you are living is not a dress rehearsal. It is the main act.

— Elayne Kalila

Nothing is off the table:

body and health

How is your body and your health? Do you know intuitively that something in your life needs to change in order for you to heal and finally break free from the pain?


Are you facing changes in your relationship? Do you need support to get clear on what is next or how to move forward with what you know is true?

sacred business

home and family

Is your business at a standstill? Are you exhausted and know that you need to change the way you run your business in order to thrive?

Are you facing a change at home? Are you kids are growing up? Do you feel the call to move? Do you need support getting clear on what is next?

you’ll receive deep support from me as your personal guide + initiator

Individualized Mentorship

We meet throughout the month to connect, deepen, and support you on your journey.

Personal Ritual and Ceremony

Each month we co-create personal ceremony and rituals to help you let go of what is no longer serving you and to deepen into a sacred release.

Sacred Initiation

My job is to hold you steady and to be your mirror so that you see yourself clearly. I will gently and lovingly hold you to your own fire.


Accept what was and mend the wounds of the past. Allow your body and nervous system to  recover.

 Finally let go of the burdens and patterns holding you back and keeping you living small. 

Explore who you are now and what the purpose of your life is. Break free from the cage you have been living in.

Listen to your inner wisdom and truth, honor your own guidance and follow what's real.

Get clear on where you want to go and chart a new path forward for yourself.

Emerge and rise as the woman you are aching to be. Stand in your true and full radiance.


Six Pillars of your Journey

apply NOW





A six month Rite of Passage personal journey. 

A six month Rite of Passage personal journey. 

here's what's included...


2 deep-dive, 1:1 transformational calls per month. We meet bi-weekly to connect and dive into your process of death and rebirth. We can meet on Zoom or in person.


Priority access to me via Unlimited Voxer. We have a personal channel through Voxer so that we can continue communicating and sharing as much as you need through the month.


Sacred monthly assignments., together we co-create rituals and ceremonies to help you release and let go with love.


A personal in person 2-day retreat with me. Join me for a special retreat filled with ceremony, time for just us, and a ton of fun.


This is the highest level of work that I offer. It is an investment in yourself and your life that will change you forever.

The six-month Death and Rebirth mentoring package is $6,000 paid in full, or six payments of $1000.

ready to get started?

Let's create

something beautiful.

If you are reading this words and your body is buzzing, then you know you are in the right place. I would be honored to work with you. Reach out and apply below.