become a member of her sanctuary!

I'm in!

Every woman has a sacred longing to fully live.

We've been taught to live our lives for everyone else. To give ourselves away and turn off our dreams and desires. It's time to let go, to re-write your story, and become alive again . Join me and thousands of women devoted to living lives we actually want.

gather with us

Now is your time.

I see you. You are done. Done living in a way that doesn’t feel true. Done pretending. Done sacrificing. Done being sad and sick and broken. You have had enough and you are no longer willing to live this way anymore. You are ready to find your true self and chart a new path forward. 

You have been awakened. There’s a fire burning inside of you, a desire to live a different way. There is a calling from your soul, an inner drumbeat inviting you to step forward into who you truly are.  There’s a sense of urgency to change your life and emerge as your fully expressed self. The only problem is, you don't have a map to follow or a guide to show you the way. 

Welcome home Sister. The Practice is that map, and I would be honored to be your guide.

join our community

dear woman,

xx, Michelle

A sacred practice that is feminine, not patriarchal. A radical path back to yourself.  A blend of self-devotion, embodiment, and deep soul and lineage healing. A movement of women healing and rising through the power of sisterhood, connection, and commitment to who we truly are. A practice to fully live.

The practice is

Hi, I’m Michelle. Your Soul Midwife.

I've supported thousands of women as they step into their truth and claim the life they desire.  I owned a healing center for women for ten years, I've been leading transformational programs and circles for twenty, and I offer life-changing programs and a free online weekly Sunday Service to women all over the world.  

I’m here to help women remember our power and heal our wounded feminine lineages. I'm building a movement that will transform the world. ⁠

Learn more

you are here because...

You are at the edge of transformation.

You no longer fit in the patriarchal box you've been raised in. There is an undeniable change and you've been awakened. But awakened to what? How do you build and create a different kind of life? What does your truest self want, and who are you really? The Practice guides you back to a more authentic life.

I want you to know...

You don't have to live the way the world tells you to.

As women we've been conditioned to live for everyone else, to check all the boxes, and do what we are supposed to. But we are waking up to this lie. I am here to hold the vision for you for what is possible. To help you see your true self and emerge as the woman you know you really are. 

your life is at a turning point

WANT in?

Ways to 
with us online and in person...


Start here...

The Community Space

The Community Space is a free online group and gathering space for us to connect, share, and learn.  Inside, you’ll find a community of over 6,000 active & engaged women devoted to living their truth. Join us for monthly trainings, peruse our library of past classes, make friends, and get weekly updates and inspiration from Michelle herself.

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a place to connect and learn

a monthly membership

Her Sanctuary

Her Sanctuary is a feminine practice community and spiritual sisterhood. A group of women devoted to their own journeys of healing and rising. We gather for weekly Sunday Service and monthly moon ceremonies both online and in person. Her Sanctuary is not a program or a course, but rather, a sacred space where we step into regularly to heal, connect,  and rise as the true leaders, space holders, and visionaries that we are. It's next level connection.

Signature offerings to deepen and train

The Practice

The Practice® is a sacred transformational system. It's a blend of feminine spirituality, life guidance, ritual, movement, and deeply connected sisterhood. It’s reclamation process that will help you take back your life. If you are at a turning point in your life, and you are ready to live a different way, then this is for you. If you desire to lead other women in sacred space and facilitate circles with deep intention, then this is for you. We offer various programs and trainings both online and in person near Portland, Oregon. Join us.

dive in


giving back

When girls rise, we all rise.

We are all in this together. The Practice is here to support women, and girls, rising into their true potential. A portion of our profits gives back to Girl Up, a global movement “advancing girls' skills, rights, and opportunities to be leaders.”


Love Notes


“I’ve been a part of Michelle’s programs for ten years, and every time I show up for myself, I feel more connected to a community of women, to my truth, and how I’m leading in my business and family.”

Jadah Sellner, Founder of

“Michelle leads with fierce tenderness, compassion, and deep heart-knowing. She brings the spectrum of what it means to be a fully embodied woman into every aspect of her life and work.”

-Elsa Perez Dean
Intuitive Wisdom for Body+Soul

“Michelle holds a deeply sacred and loving container that is the perfect environment for healing and transformation.”


“Working with Michelle will help you align with your truth in both business and life in deeper ways than you ever have before.”

-Amy Ahlers, Author of The Inner Mean Girl

We are here to support you.

Ready to change your life?

We are now enrolling for The Practice® programs
both online and in person.

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The Community Space

Join us for live trainings

Sign up for live trainings, connection, and deep conversations with Michelle Long, MA. Recordings available.

Free Training