Sanctuary Sunday

Once a month gatherings.

Sanctuary Sunday is a local gathering for women craving connection, sacred practice, and sisterhood.  It is a ceremony steeped in the divine feminine designed to give you respite from our crazy world. These intimate gatherings are offered in The Practice Sanctuary in West Linn, Oregon.

register now

If you are a soulful woman who desires connection, community, and sacred time to yourself, then join us.

Women have been gathering in sacred circles for thousands of years. It's in our blood to gather in sacred practice and remember our truth and inner power. Unfortunately the culture we live and the systems built around us have taken us away from each other and disconnected us from our truth. Sanctuary Sunday is a returning to our roots as women and as leaders in our community. 

register now

The Details

offered in
west Linn, Oregon

We gather in The Practice Sanctuary in West Linn, which is 20 minutes south of Portland, Oregon.

we gather once a month

We meet one Sunday a month
from 10am-12pm.

an intimate circle

Open to just a small group women, we keep our circles intimate so that we are safe to go deep in our sacred container.

register now

what to expect...

A safe space to retreat from the busyness of everyday life. 

Deep conversations and space to honor all that you are and all that you hold.

Journaling, meditation, peace, and grace.

Stillness, acceptance, patience, and beauty. A space to unravel and heal.

We are living through crazy times often isolated from each other, and feeling disconnection from authentic community. Sanctuary Sunday is a time to come together as women and build a safe community where we can practice being the fierce, powerful, radiant women that we are.

you're in the right place.

Hi, I'm Michelle young, Ma

I'm gathering an authentic community of women.

I've been teaching yoga for 20 years, studying the Sacred Feminine for a decade, and I owned a women's healing center in California for 10 years.  Along the way I learned what women really want and need. We want connection. We want community. We want a safe place to unravel and just be who we truly are. We struggle to find authentic friendships and people who "get" us. We all want to be seen and heard. Sanctuary Sunday brings us together in a sacred way, where can finally take a deep breath, hear our own voice, and connect in the way we truly desire. I'm excited to offer The Practice in West Linn and to build a sacred community of women here.

Sanctuary Sundays 

sunday, october 27

sunday, november 17

sunday, December 15

sunday, january 12

Join us

- elsa
spiritual teacher and healer

“Michelle creates a beautiful and nourishing container that allows each woman to feel safe, to let down the armor and the masks, and to reclaim the fullness of who she is. Michelle gently but firmly guides you back to your center.”

want to go deeper?

Join me in 
The Practice Ritual

We are now enrolling. The Practice® Ritual  is an integration of feminine spirituality, embodiment, and sisterhood.  In a circle of like-minded women you will dive into your truth and find the courage and clarity to lead and live from a place of self devotion.