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Kids Yoga Sampler

I'm Michelle!

I’ve been studying and working with women for more than 20 years. I've learned who we are and what we need.

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The Sunday Service

cannot wait!

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with Jillian Bobowicz

Let your kids get a preview of these engaging classes explore yoga poses, cooperative games, breathing, and relaxation exercises, as well as teaching kids about self-expression, body-awareness, and social skills. This unique approach combines yoga poses with songs, stories, games, and relaxation techniques. Non-competitive and fun, the classes help students develop strength, flexibility, concentration, and confidence.

$10 per Sampler Class. If you decide to enroll your child in the full 10-week program, the $10 will be put towards the cost of the series.

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Hi, I’m Michelle. Your Soul Midwife.

I've supported thousands of women as they step into their truth and claim the life they desire.  I owned a healing center for women for ten years, I've been leading transformational programs and circles for twenty, and I offer life-changing programs and a free online weekly Sunday Service to women all over the world.  

I’m here to help women remember our power and heal our wounded feminine lineages. I'm building a movement that will transform the world. ⁠

Learn more

let's get to know each other

Why I left the Bay Area

This is a personal story about listening to my inner call and making a huge life change.

This piece is really intimate...

A letter home to my mother.

A reflection on 2020, living with chronic illness, and surviving the pandemic.

May we find the courage to break old patterns and put ourselves first in service of those we love and the world we live in. 


© The Practice for Women Inc. | Design by TONIC
Customization by Oregon Lane | Photos by Kahiki Photography & One27 Media House