join sanctuary sunday in west linn February 9

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The Five Insights of Postpartum Care

I'm Michelle!

I’ve been studying and working with women for more than 20 years. I've learned who we are and what we need.

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In this workshop facilitated by Jillian Bobowicz you will sit in circle with Heng Ou and Marisa Belgar, authors of The First Forty Days: The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother. Together we will explore five insights threaded through traditional approaches to postpartum care from around the globe:  Retreat, Warmth, Rest, Support and Ritual. Through conversation, group activities, movement and journaling you will leave empowered with knowledge and practical ideas on how to reclaim this sacred time of recovery and bonding after birth.

You’ve likely heard about baby’s fourth trimester, those sensitive first weeks of life when he or she is not quite ready to meet the world-at-large. Well, new mothers also require a dedicated period of rest and recovery. In the first forty days after giving birth, which roughly correlate with the six-week phase that Western medicine calls the postpartum period, a new mother can revitalize herself and replenish her reserves, creating a solid foundation from which to tackle the demands of mothering. With the right postpartum care, she can preserve her reproductive health for future children or eventually experience an easy menopause, aging gracefully over the decades to come. The right postpartum also sets a solid foundation from which to incorporate these five insights and proper self-care into the rest of her new life as a mother.

Bloom yoga instructor and certified postpartum doula, Jillian Bobowicz, is thrilled to be collaborating with Heng and Marisa for this workshop as it gives a taste of key principles we will continue exploring in Jillian’s Mama Baby and prenatal classes.

Heng Ou is the founder of MotherBees, a food and lifestyle company supporting women through every stage of motherhood.

Marisa Belger is a writer and editor whose work has appeared in numerous magazines and websites including Natural Health, Prevention, Travel + Leisure, and New York.

 This workshop is ideal for pregnant women, new mothers and mothers of older children as well as supportive friends and family or anyone who works with or is interested in learning about supporting childbearing women.

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Hi, I’m Michelle.
Founder of The Practice.

For 20 years I have been holding sacred space for women while building and leading feminine yoga and spiritual communities. I know that when women gather with intention, when we remember our true essence, and find the courage to live soul-aligned lives, we heal the world.

The Practice is my offering to the world, an effort to bring women together in sacred community, so that we all may rise.

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let's get to know each other

Why I left the Bay Area

This is a personal story about listening to my inner call and making a huge life change.

This piece is really intimate...

A letter home to my mother.

A reflection on 2020, living with chronic illness, and surviving the pandemic.

May community and sacred feminine sisterhood be the path towards healing and liberation.


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