join sanctuary sunday in west linn october 27

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Vignettes of a Woman

I write because I believe our shared stories help us to connect to our own truth. When one woman shares her story, we all heal. So I get raw and vulnerable about the challenges of being a woman leader. I write about business, chronic illness, loss, grief, mid-life, my mother, my daughter, how I heal, how I connect, and the wisdom I find in my wounds. I write so you can feel less alone on your journey.



Two years ago this month, my husband and I were preparing to put our little Pleasant Hill home on the market. I lived in the Bay Area for most of my 41 years. I was born and raised in Walnut Creek. I went away for college and adventures and travel, but I always had a […]



Why I Didn’t Pay Myself for Four Years

This is a hard one to admit, and frankly something I haven’t ever shared publicly because if I’m honest, I still hold some shame and embarrassment around it. But I feel like this is a really important conversation for us to have as women, and as Brene Brown teaches us, the best way to get […]



On Resentment and Rage

Many years ago, in the depths of darkness, illness, self-sacrifice, and over-responsibility, I had a dream. The dream was so stark and so real and so full of resentment and rage that it stuck with me. In my dream, I was lying on the floor of my yoga studio, curled in the fetal position. One-by-one, […]



Sacred Boundaries as Practice

Many years ago when I had just opened my healing center, my boundaries were tested every day. In all the challenges, I learned that when we set boundaries that are in our highest good, they not only serve ourselves but those around us, and help others align deeper with themselves as well. One day a […]



The Practice of Living Slower

I’m really tired of going fast. And hard. And pushing till my bones hurt. We live in a culture that demands we go faster and faster. Click-bait, sound bites, competition to get more and more and more. Traffic. Appointments. Getting the kids from here to there and there. Posting. Sharing. Narrating our lives on social […]



The Myth of Work Life Balance

Anytime I ask a woman what she is struggling with, the answer, more often than not, is balance. Finding balance in work and life. Emotional balance. Self-care balance. Balancing my own needs with everyone else’s needs. Balancing being a leader and a mother. Trying to balance it all… These are the answers I get. Well, here’s the thing: I don’t believe in balance this […]


I've led thousands of women back to themselves and to a truer life. As a business owner and mother of two teenagers, I know what it’s like to hold the weight of multiple worlds, and how easy it is to abandon yourself in the overwhelm.

Through my own transformation and 20 years of working closely with women, I developed The Practice®, a feminine spiritual system that teaches women leaders how to reclaim their lives and live without self-sacrifice.

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Sanctuary Sunday

Sanctuary Sunday is a sacred touch point where we come together as women and remember our truth. We get quiet, dive underneath the noise and chaos, and listen to our own voice. We refuel and reclaim our lives through deep guided meditation, journaling, and connection. We gain inspiration to step more fully into who we truly are. 

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A monthly in person gathering

in portland and around the world

Sacred Retreats

Gather with us in our beautiful sanctuary outside Portland, Oregon once a year, and around the world for our Homecoming Retreats. These retreats are an opportunity to escape from the busyness of our world, to truly let go, and rebirth a new version of who you are.

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