join sanctuary sunday in west linn october 27

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Vignettes of a Woman

I write because I believe our shared stories help us to connect to our own truth. When one woman shares her story, we all heal. So I get raw and vulnerable about the challenges of being a woman leader. I write about business, chronic illness, loss, grief, mid-life, my mother, my daughter, how I heal, how I connect, and the wisdom I find in my wounds. I write so you can feel less alone on your journey.



Two years ago this month, my husband and I were preparing to put our little Pleasant Hill home on the market. I lived in the Bay Area for most of my 41 years. I was born and raised in Walnut Creek. I went away for college and adventures and travel, but I always had a […]



Mid-life has Me on My Knees

If you knew me twenty something years ago, I was a hotshot yogi Living in San Francisco In my studio apartment Wearing tiny yellow yoga hot shorts To class. I could do all the things. I could touch my nose to my toes And bend so far backward I could see the world behind me […]



Living and Leading with a Chronic Illness

In 2017 I was running my healing center, at the top of my game, serving hundreds of women, and feeling like I found my stride as a business owner. But there was a truth festering underneath the mask of success. I wasn’t feeling good. I was getting constant nudges from my body to slow down. […]



Why I Closed my Business

There’s a story I’ve been holding in my heart for a while now, and I’m ready to talk about it. If you knew me at Bloom Retreat or through The Practice, then you knew me when all of this was happening. If you are new to this community, I hope this story will inspire you […]



Why I Left the Bay Area

Two years ago this month, my husband and I were preparing to put our little Pleasant Hill home on the market. I lived in the Bay Area for most of my 41 years. I was born and raised in Walnut Creek. I went away for college and adventures and travel, but I always had a […]



Things I do to Heal the Pain

This year at any given moment you could have found me on my knees, or in the fetal position, wishing for a different body or a different life. You could have found me in the car, driving, snot-nosed, tears blurring my view of the road, driving aimlessly with nowhere to go. You could have seen […]


I've led thousands of women back to themselves and to a truer life. As a business owner and mother of two teenagers, I know what it’s like to hold the weight of multiple worlds, and how easy it is to abandon yourself in the overwhelm.

Through my own transformation and 20 years of working closely with women, I developed The Practice®, a feminine spiritual system that teaches women leaders how to reclaim their lives and live without self-sacrifice.

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Sanctuary Sunday

Sanctuary Sunday is a sacred touch point where we come together as women and remember our truth. We get quiet, dive underneath the noise and chaos, and listen to our own voice. We refuel and reclaim our lives through deep guided meditation, journaling, and connection. We gain inspiration to step more fully into who we truly are. 

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A monthly in person gathering

in portland and around the world

Sacred Retreats

Gather with us in our beautiful sanctuary outside Portland, Oregon once a year, and around the world for our Homecoming Retreats. These retreats are an opportunity to escape from the busyness of our world, to truly let go, and rebirth a new version of who you are.

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